
How To Set Up A Will In Oregon

Updated Nov 12, 2022

An Oregon l ast volition and testament is a legal document that provides written instructions for proper distribution of a testator'due south (person to whom the volition belongs) estate amongst their family, friends, children, spouses, and even charitable organizations upon their decease. The cosmos of a volition document ensures peace of mind for the testator that their personal, real, fiduciary, and even digital property will be appropriately transferred per the testator's wishes and not through the decisions of probate proceedings. Under Oregon law, will documents must be signed in the presence of two (two) witnesses. A testator can too take the volition acknowledged by a state-authorized notary public for an extra layer of legal protection. The testator may change or revoke the certificate at their discretion at any time.

Table of Contents

  • Laws
    • Signing Requirements
  • How to Write
  • (Video) How to Brand a Volition in Oregon
  • Related Forms
    • Advance Directive
    • Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney


Definition – (ORS 111.005(31)) – "Will" includes codicil and also includes a testamentary instrument that just appoints a personal representative or that simply revokes or revives some other will.

Signing Requirements (ORS 112.235) – Must be signed by two (2) Witnesses who shall acknowledge the Testator sign the volition.

Statutes –Chapter 112  (Intestate Succession and Wills)

(Video) How to Make a Will in Oregon

How to Write

Pace 1 – Institute a Testator by simply placing their proper name on the first field at the superlative of the form, and then enter:

  • Proper noun of Testator
  • Metropolis
  • County
  • Testator must review the residue of the information in the paragraph
  • Review "Expenses and Taxes"

Footstep ii – Testator Appointment of Executor –

  • Enter the name of the selected executor
  • City
  • Canton
  • State of residence

Alternating Exectutor – In the event the initial representative becomes ill, unable or unwilling to serve equally the initial chosen representative to the estate for whatsoever reason, an alternative executor should be selected and named

  • Proper name of the alternate executor
  • City of residence
  • County
  • State

Pace iii –Disposition of Belongings to Beneficiaries –

Beneficiary Information:

  • Full legal name
  • Current address
  • Relation to testator
  • Enter the concluding four digits of their SSN
  • List the belongings beingness bequeathed to each casher

The Testator must review the information pertaining to how their property is distributed in the event whatsoever of the beneficiaries might predecease the testator.

Step 4 –Testator must carefully review the following sections:

  • Omission
  • Bond
  • Discretionary Powers of Personal Representative
  • Contesting Casher
  • Guardian Ad Litem  Not Required
  • Gender
  • Assignment
  • Governing Law
  • Binding Arrangement

Step 5 –Signatures – All signatories must be present together to sign this document. Enter the following:

  • The testator's name
  • The date of testator's signature – dd/mm/yyyy
  • Testator Signature
  • Testator printed proper name

Witnesses – The witnesses must review the brief statement and provide the following –

  • The appointment the document – dd/mm/yyyy
  • The proper noun of the testator

Witness ane –

  • Signature
  • Address

Witness two –

  • Signature
  • Address

Step 6 –Testament Affidavit – All parties must review and then enter the following:

  • State
  • Canton
  • Proper noun of testator
  • Name of Witness one
  • AND
  • Name of Witness ii
  • Testator's Signature
  • Witness 1 Signature
  • AND
  • Witness 2 Signature

Step 7 (Optional) – Notarization – Once the notary public has witnessed all signatures they shall exist required to complete the remainder of the certificate and cosign it by affixing the state seal.

Related Forms

Advance Directive

Download: Adobe PDF

Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney

Download: Adobe PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument

How To Set Up A Will In Oregon,


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